«PSGT Middle East General Trading LLC» company was registered in 2008 in the United Arab Emirates (Dubai), which is renowned for its attractive business climate supported by up-to-date and consistent legal system, guarantee of protection of investors’ rights and transparent rules of business and financial transactions.
The main company activities are supplies of construction and specialized machinery, construction materials and equipment to the countries of Latin America, as well as their post-guarantee service and maintenance.
We offer:
natural rubber (origin: Thailand, Indonesia, Vietnam, Malaysia Ivory Coast, Nigeria):
- technically specified rubber TSR10/TSR20
- ribbed smoked sheets RSS 1/2/3
synthetic rubber
- styrene butadiene rubber SBR-1500/1502/1705/1712/1723
- isoprene rubber SKI-3/3s
- carbon black 220 granular
With the wide network of business partners in Southeast Asia, Africa, South America, and Eastern Europe we can offer natural and synthetic rubbers as well as other raw materials used in rubber products manufacturing. Our company aims to achieve long and sustainable business growth by delivering the right products with excellence to our customers and business partners in the industry.
We formed a partnership with several companies based in Asia, Africa, and Eastern Europe and are also planning to develop strategic alliances with several tire manufacturing companies from Eastern Europe and South America, in respect of which companies we can act as a supplier of raw material (natural and synthetic rubber) as well as the distributor of their products.
Our Projects
Production Plant of Mineral-Wool Boards