«PSGT Middle East General Trading LLC» company was registered in 2008 in the United Arab Emirates (Dubai), which is renowned for its attractive business climate supported by up-to-date and consistent legal system, guarantee of protection of investors’ rights and transparent rules of business and financial transactions.

The main company activities are supplies of construction and specialized machinery, construction materials and equipment to the countries of Latin America, as well as their post-guarantee service and maintenance. 

«PSGT Middle East General Trading LLC» company is a dealer and supplier to the market of Latin America of tractors and buses, trucks and telescopic wheel loaders, forklift loaders, heavy-duty mine trucks and other specialized machinery, and production of other world-renowned brands including the following:

«Neru» (Turkey) «Doosan» (South Korea) «Daewoo» (South Korea) «Manitou» (France)
«Emirsan» (Turkey) «Nissan» (Japan) «Everdigm» (South Korea) «Sami» (Italy)
«Genie» (Italy) «Hyundai» (South Korea) «Soima» (Portugal) «Shantui» (China)
«Icaro» (Italy) «Terex» (Italy) «Bobcat» (USA) «JCB» (Great Britain)
«Tunatek» (Turkey) «Bomag» (Germany) «Komatsu» (Japan) «Volvo» (Sweden)
«Liebherr» (Germany) «Casagrande» (Italy)

With immediate support of our company a range of the following socially important projects in housing, infrastructural and industrial construction was implemented at the territory of Latin America:

  • Technical Center for repair and maintenance of heavy machinery
  • Production Plant of Compound Animal Feedstuff with capacity of 10 tons/hour
  • Plant for Production of Road-construction Machinery 
  • Manufacture Plant for Concrete Products 
  • Production Plant of Mineral-wool Boards 
  • Ceramic Construction Materials Production Plant 

The company provides complete support of projects at all stages of implementation, as well as provides warranty and post-warranty service of the supplied machinery and equipment.