Recent Work
Manufacture Plant for Concrete Products
Production program for the manufacturing of concrete products plant equals to 5–15 m3/h. For the purpose of concrete products manufacturing, there is stipulated a 30 m wide and 60 m long production building, warehouse of inert additives and finished-products storage warehouse.
Production Plant of Mineral-Wool Boards
The plant is designed for the production of thermal insulation boards from mineral wool. The production program of the plant stipulates production of light, semi-rigid, rigid and ultra-rigid mineral-wool boards with capacity of 5 t/h (melting capacity), 26 440 t/year (fiber capacity).
Production of Road-Construction Equipment
The project is intended for production of road-construction equipment, standby power supply, mounted vehicle attachment tools and creation of production facilities to assure the proper functioning of correspondent technological processes.
Production Plant of Compound Animal Feedstuff
The plant is designed for production of compound animal feedstuff on the basis of plant products (main component is maize). The produced feedstuff will be supplied to the cattle farms. The plant capacity – 10–12 ton/hour of crumbled feedstuff or 10 t/h of pelleted feedstuff (with matrix of 4,0 mm).
Ceramic Construction Materials Production Plant
The plant is designed for production of ceramic construction materials by method of plastic shaping.
The annual program — 25 million block units with dimensions 15×20×30 cm.